Rescue Animals Sri Lanka (New)

Our Passion

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” –Anatole France.

At present, Rescue Animals Sri Lanka (RAS) has over 100 dogs and 40 + cats housed in Vidiyagoda (outskirts of Colombo) who are looked after by 3 caretakers; these animals were rescued from the streets, accident victims or abandoned by their owners. We are also active in rescuing cattle, birds, and monkeys who are then rehomed in safe sanctuaries. We assist in elephant rescues and are involved in environmental conservation. RAS provides food in the form of chicken pet food and rice to people who love animals but do not have the financial means to feed them, as well as assist them with their veterinary bills . We organize sterilisation  programmes, as it is our strong belief that this is of utmost importance in the reduction of the number of street  animals, as well as being the most humane method in tackling the problem.

We feed approximately 250-300 street animals every other day, in and along an area spanning Arangala, up to and beyond Galle Face. Prior to the current economic crisis, we fed the animals on a daily basis, however the escalating costs have forced us to scale down on the feeding—sadly; as for most of these animals along our feeding route, the food we provide is all that they receive. The garbage on the streets too is minimal, and the security guards and workers on the numerous construction sites where  dogs congregate have been issued warnings of immediate dismissal should they be caught feeding the animals. These dogs depend solely on the efforts of RAS, and we are determined to continue feeding and caring for these unfortunate animals no matter how hard it may be.

Our Sanctuary

Even the smallest contribution by you will make a difference in their lives Together we can create a difference

The crippling economic situation in the country has hindered the important work of RAS, and unfortunately it has not been possible to secure additional funding to continue the much-needed work that we do for the countless animals in dire need. RAS has been surviving on personal funding which is no longer sustainable.

We appeal to all animal lovers, who can spare a monthly or one-time donation- whatever the amount may be, to contribute towards our work. This would go a long way, making the world of difference to a sad, hungry, sick, animal on the streets of Sri Lanka. 

We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals – Immanuel Kant

It is the ambition and goal of Rescue Animals Sri Lanka, to ensure that one day all street animals will have a home, be trained as guard dogs/ companion dogs/ therapy dogs,  etc, and be sterilized / neutered.